Testimonials from School Alumni

The freedom to further
your studies on your own.
I even visited Vietnam to research
a company’s overseas strategies.


  • Current Affiliation: Corporate Planning Department., Fukuvi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Class of 2020

I have loved English since high school, and my dream was to become an interpreter. I heard about the school’s emphasis on English education and decided to enroll. After entering the school, however, my dream of becoming an interpreter gradually changed. Now, after graduation, I can say that having something to say is far more important than having proper pronunciation in foreign languages. I came to the conclusion that I would work on myself during my time at the university, to become someone who has something to say.

In the Project-Based Learning program, I had the opportunity to spend three years researching the factors that make global companies successful overseas. The company I asked for assistance in my research was Fukuvi Chemical, a global company in Fukui. And, well, now I work for them!

With the company’s assistance, including the materials and employee interviews they provided, I was able to conduct basic research and analysis. In the second year of my research, I even visited the company’s Vietnamese subsidiary to learn everything in a practical way, from requesting permission to visit to conducting the survey and writing the proposal.

There is a trend at many universities today to focus on developing specialists, who excel in a single field, but this school aims to develop generalists who have balanced, broad perspectives. I believe that this is the greatest advantage of this school, and that these types of skills will be needed both now and in the future.